Somehow I've hurt my ankles to where I cannot play. It is the outside of my left foot, under the ankle bone, and extending up my Achilles a bit. Icing helps, but I'm taking the week off of tennis to recoup. I wonder if it was my new shoes not being quite right for me, or the running shoes I bought in florida and have only put about 10 miles on so far, or a combination of the two. I'm thinking of switching shoes.. which I hate to do with only a couple weeks on the new. I'm looking for something more durable, and with decent padding/support. The Yonex shoes look the best on paper, but only one pair has a warrantee...I might order and try them on, otherwise I'll go back to my Prince T22's although I want to see if a different kind of shoe would help with my sore knees.
I guess this is a good chance for my arm to rest too... my wrist has been sore since I jammed it, and my inner elbow tendon has been sore for a long time. I was hoping switching racquets would alleviate that, but only time will tell. I wonder if the new racquet has anything to do with my sore wrist. (what a drag it is getting old!)
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